Most Simple And Clean Designer Portfolios
Some of my favorite designer portfolios for your inspiration!
One of my favorite pass times is browsing through these designer portfolios worldwide. So many of them are inspiring, and you can improve your design skills just by looking at them. So much to learn!
I never wrote this listicle (list + article) before, but I can't resist sharing these fantastic designer portfolio websites. I hope you get some inspiration from them and start building your own soon!
Before we begin, I want to share two strong reasons to have your online design portfolio.
Building a personal brand - Personal branding is all about how you represent yourself and show what you do with the results. From having a community to talk about your struggles as a designer to getting appreciated for your hard/smart work - everything is a by-product of building a personal brand.
Attract potential clients or recruiters - With access to the internet, we all have various options to choose from. So, as someone who wants to attract clients, the best you can do is to convince the potential client right away with the work you have done. Hence the online portfolio. Show and do tell.
This list comprises almost all types of designers; product designers, graphic designers, illustrators, and others.
Marco Cornacchia
Marco's work is so inspiring that it pushed me into the rabbit hole of finding other portfolios. The overall aesthetics and interaction are so striking that you can spend hours playing with all the work he showcased. However, notice minor sound effects when you interact with the website.
Bruno Givotovsky
Bruno is a fashion designer turned product designer. His design style has that black-and-white contrast with aesthetically used typography, which is also my favorite web design style.
Don't forget to read his detailed case studies, especially this one
Jonah Heath
One of the most overlooked aspects of website design or UI design, in general, is using proper transitions when you scroll or navigate through a website. And I think Jonah has nailed it!
Sebastien Gabriel
If you have ever used Google Chrome, then I am pretty sure you have seen Sebastien's work. He is the one who works on most of the browser's UI, including the most iconic Chrome error pages.
Ben Davidson
This is one of the most subtle graphic design portfolios I encountered recently. After looking at his portfolio, I understood what full-stack designer means! 😂
Emily Ready
Emily's portfolio is so straightforward. One page for her work and the other for herself.
Jeremy Stokes
One of the cleanest portfolios—a near-perfect blend of art and design.
Vijay Verma
I know Vijay and have been following his work for a long time. He is a crazy designer. I have no idea where he gets ideas and time to work on these many side projects. Very few designers contribute to open source, and Vijay Verma is one of them!
Check out his portfolio and work; I am sure you will be inspired.