Peerlist Mid-August Release • 08.2021
This is our first release after the beta launch. Less than expected bugs and obvious improvements with one small feature!

Excited to publish our first changelog… 😃 We launched our closed beta on 5th August. Since then, received tons of feedback, features requests, and bugs. Thank you everyone for making the effort!
This release majorly focused on critical bug fixes, some obvious improvements, and one small yet significant feature, the Peers page: where you can see all Peerlist members who have joined recently.
🚀 Peers page: View & visit profiles of Peerlist members
Now you can see other people who have joined Peerlist recently. Currently, you can view the list and visit the profiles. Next, you will be able to search, sort, and filter the list based on other parameters.
🧰 Improvements
Image size for projects increased 1MB to 2MB
Improved navigation by adding a main menu in the sidebar.
Now automatically display high-resolution Dribbble images.
Added some more tools & technologies to the list (18 to be precise). Please let us know which one we’re missing and we will add them in the next release. This will be an ongoing improvement.
Added page loaders whenever necessary.
Added spinners to inputs when we fetch the list. Eg: Location, tools & technologies, etc.
Added empty state messages when the Resume section is empty and when you add your Dribbble profile but don’t have any shot uploaded.
Performance and security improvements.
🐞 Fixes
[Fix] Unable to upload images to projects.
[Fix] Add word-break to descriptions on Experience and community work.
[Fix] Unable to save experience description when the length is more than 800 while allowed char length is 1000.
[Fix] Feature images are not displayed for some Medium articles.
[Fix] Github integration was failing when users have a longer repository description.
[Fix] Not able to scroll the page when the cursor pointer is outside the main container.